Architectural style, Fireplace Grill (B&A)

Architectural style, Fireplace Grill (B&A)
Designed to fit a fireplace with the following dimensions:
Fireplace opening: 48"W x 40 13/16"H (Arched)
Minimum Interior dimensions*: 62"W x 53"H x 26"D
*Interior width to accommodate crank rod gear assembly.
Argentine Grill with V-grate grill surface
48"W x 20"D/ 12"D
2 - Drip pans
Chapa/ plancha (flat griddle plate)
Rear Brasero (fire basket for producing embers)
Cast stainless steel handwheel
Positioned on lower left side of fireplace opening
Custom gear assembly
Mild steel gears
Stainless steel grill construction
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